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😍 next chapter plzz


Ooooooh i haaaaaaate u!!! How dare you end off on such a great bloody cliffhanger! Lmao i physically wanted to throw my phone. I needed more!! ♥️

 Chapter one is good. Realllly good. I have so many questions, so much angst.. where is my bestie!! Ugh. 😭


This was so good. Really intrigued. Cant wait for more ♥️


I like it, I'm looking forward to more!!

 The Only thing for me is the inconsistency with choices. I chose to be silent in the office, yet the dialogue from the man, is as if he cut MC off from speaking. Then when speaking to Callum in the dorm; I feel like the last option 'You have no more questions' shouldn't be available until AFTER we ask all the questions. Because I personally didn't ask any and just clicked that option, yet the dialogue automatically assumes you did anyway. 


Thank you for the feedback! I made sure to go back and address both of those oversights, and I'm glad that you pointed them out to me! :)

love it so far! can't wait for more:)

Loved the demo! I'm looking forward to the full game!

This story picked my interest can't wait for more

Great demo! This also reminds me how I know someone called Callum.. haha